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13‐16 July 2022, ISCTE hosts the Lisbon Global Law and Society Meeting, 7th Global Law and Society Meeting after Amsterdam (1991), Glasgow (1996), Budapest (2001), Berlin (2007), Honolulu (2012) and Mexico City (2017). The choice of ISCTE as the venue for this meeting followed the organization of Lisbon RCSL 2018 Meeting. So we are very pleased to make the official website of that meeting available again, as archive material useful for Lisbon 2022 organisers and participants.

The Meeting [PT]

Provisional Texts

The RCSL-SDJ Lisbon Meeting 2018
"Law and Citizenship Beyond The States”
will be held at ISCTE-IUL September 10-13 2018

We will discuss, among other topics of sociology of law and justice, the contribution of law to the power of citizens, at a time of increasing competition between state law, once the main source of people’s rights, and multiple global and local normativities (see our call, open from 15 October to 15 December 2017).

The meeting is co-sponsored by the Sociology of Law and Justice Section of the Portuguese Sociological Association. It is organized by DINÂMIA’CET-IUL, a research unit of ISCTE-IUL , which gives the Local Organizing Committee its institutional framework and administrative support, in partnership with the following partner research units: CES (Coimbra), CICS.NOVA (Braga, Lisbon), CIES (ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon), and CRIA (Lisbon, Braga), as well as with the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (Oñati). On top of these academic partnerships, we pretend also to involve personalities and entities from outside the world of science, for this meeting to be itself, as far as possible, an experience of citizenry beyond the states.

It is the second initiative of RCSL during the year 2018, since the RCSL will also participate in the ISA World Congress in Toronto, 15-21 July 2018. Other recent RCSL meetings took place in Vienna, July 2016, within the framework of the 3rd ISA-Forum, and México City, June 2017, where RCSL was a sponsor of the International Meeting on Law and Society.

It is the third meeting of the recently created Sociology of Law and Justice Section of the Portuguese Sociological Association, which held their first meeting in January 2016 in Coimbra, and a second meeting in February 2017, in Braga.

The meeting will be bilingual English / Portuguese. Plenary sessions will be held in English. Sessions in other languages may be be authorized by the Organizing Committee.

O Encontro de Lisboa terá duas línguas oficiais, o inglês e o português. As sessões plenárias terão lugar em inglês. Sessões tidas noutras línguas poderão ser autorizadas pela comissão organizadora. O presente sítio web será em breve completado por traduções em português dos seus principais conteúdos.

Lisbon, 16 October 2017

Printable format
and Staff
The Meeting

Call [PT]

Law and Citizenship Beyond the States

Does the law at the present time still contribute to the production of citizens’ power? Starting from this question, we aim to focus on the institutional conditions enabling individuals to participate effectively in the construction of the communities to which they belong, whether by the means of their own agency, by establishing relationships of cooperation or by forming organized groups. Indeed, these conditions are experiencing profound changes, at a time when communities below and above the states are gaining relevance; ie communities which assume themselves somehow to be complementary or even an alternative to the states. The current process of Europeanization is an obvious example of this trend. This meeting aims at promoting discussion of the challenges that such changes bring for the plural set of norms constituent of these institutional conditions. It is our conviction that the sociology of law and justice has a key role to play in the analysis and debate of these issues which are of the utmost importance for democracy.


Specific topics devolving from this main topic could include:

- The lay perception of law and rights and of their possible mobilization within and beyond state level;

- The role, in this mobilization of law and rights, of collective players of all kind – e. g., going beyond states, to NGOs, corporations, and social movements active in regional and global arenas;

- The role, today, of the legal professions, in particular through their participation in the design of new ways of using law and rights, in the legal education of lay citizens – addressing notably new developments of regional and international law –, and through the formation of regional and global epistemic communities;

- The potential of interaction, from the local to the global level, between legal professions and other epistemic communities, such as artists, scientists, journalists, IT-specialists, in the development of new cultural tools likely to empower citizens;

- Recent transformations of social norms, at all levels, as a result of, on the one hand, the managerial approach which shapes public policies as well as corporate strategies, and, on the other hand, of new forms of common sense linked to bottom up social dynamics;

- The changes in the conditions of the debate in normative issues, now that we are learning to use new media and to deal with new mechanisms of production, circulation and manipulation of information.

The topic of the Meeting is conceived as complementary to that of the Toronto ISA World Congress, “Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities”. Arguably, the Toronto topic places the emphasis on the potential violence inherent in all human relationship, a historical response to which was the development of state power mechanisms, and of means to attend to those who suffered violent and unjust treatment. The Lisbon topic places the emphasis on the drive towards acting together which is also inherent in all human relationships. The institutionalization of this is one integrating factor for all forms of social groupings, including the modern forms, such as nation states. Both topics urgently need to be    revisited, given  the current evolution of world society, and the changing role of the states within it.

It is planned to offer interested authors the opportunity to publish final versions of their papers after the Meeting, taking advantage of the electronic publication series of the organizing entities.

The organizers of the Meeting also welcome any session and paper proposals on other relevant issues in the sociology of law and justice.

Abstract proposals for sessions and papers should be submitted, in English or Portuguese, using the form available on this site, from 15 October to 15 December 2017.

Lisbon, 15 October 2017


Programme [PT]

Final Complete Programme, with summaries, on this website

See also the Programme Book, as distributed at the event, with Addenda / Errata

Outline of the Plenary Sessions


10 September


Researching Law and Justice

in Portugal: National Trends, International Connections + info


António Manuel Hespanha

Helena Machado

Maria João Leote Carvalho

Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Chair: Pierre Guibentif




11 September


Prison and State:
intersections and (re)configurations
+ info

Dario Melossi

Manuela Ivone Cunha

Yvonne Jewkes


Chair: Catarina Frois





12 September


Law and Citizenship above the States:
A World to be Constitutionalized
+ info


Christopher Thornhill

David Whyte

Vital Moreira

Chair: Maria Eduarda Gonçalves


12 September

Afternoon - CIUL Auditorium | Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa

Sponsored by CES Coimbra


The Epistemologies of the South in the Sociology of Law: Can the law be post-abyssal?

+ info


Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Cecília MacDowell dos Santos

Maria Paula Meneses

Sara Araújo

Sílvia Maeso


Chair: Luca Verzelloni




13 September


Individual and Collective Legal-Political Agency: From Interpersonal Interactions to Ethical Relations + info


Elena Loizidou

Jacques Commaille
Ruth Wilson Gilmore


Chair: António Pedro Dores

Last updated: 25 June 2018

Facts and figures

Grafico Site.png






Important dates [PT]

15 December 2017: Deadline for the submission of paper and session proposals


Deadline extended  to 15 January 2018


28 February 2018: Decisions of the Scientific Committee on the proposals received


31 March 2018: Deadline for Registration for participants whose paper(s) or session(s) are to appear in the final Programme > Deadline extended to 2nd May!


15 April 2018: Publication on this site of the final programme > Postponed to 30 May



31 May 2018: Last day for early bird reduced fee

Postponed to 30 June


25 August: Reception of papers to be uploaded on this site before the Conference

10 September 2018: Welcome in Lisbon!

Last updated: 30th May


Submissions of Proposals

Call closed

on 16 January 2018

Call closed

on 16 January 2018

Papers [PT]

Here you will find a form for the submission of paper proposals. To appear in the programme, all papers, including those participating in a session which has been proposed (via the “Session Proposal Form”), must be submitted individually via the present form.

The form includes a field where to indicate, if you wish so, in the sessions of which RCSL Working Group you would like to present your paper.

Sessions [PT]

Here you will find a form for the submission of session proposals. Presenters of session proposals have to make sure that all participants in the session proposed  present  their papers,individually  via the “Paper Proposal Form”.

The form includes a field where to indicate, if you wish so, among the sessions of which RCSL Working Group you would like to have your session included.










Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies

Avenida das Forças Armadas | Edifício ISCTE | Sala 2W4-d
1649-026 Lisbon

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