2201 Mapping the current state of socio-legal studies II
Room: B2.03 - Featured Session
Chair: Marina Kurkchiyan | Meiji University
Masayuki Murayama (Co-Chair) | Meiji University
Stefan Machura | Bangor University
The current state of socio-legal studies in Germany
I will discuss on the current state of socio-legal studies in my country.
Adam Czarnota | University of New South Wales
I will discuss on the current state of socio-legal studies
Reflection of current state of socio-legal studies.
Alberto Febbrajo | University of Macerata; CSISC
The current state of socio-legal studies in Italy
I will discuss on the current state of socio-legal studies in Italy.
Marina Kurkchiyan | University of Oxford
The current state of socio-legal studies in the UK
I will discuss the current state of socio-legal studies in the UK.