3142 Democracy, Recent Global Social Movements and Technopolitics: An international and interdiscipl
Room: C4.02
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are strategic when attempting to understand the upsurge of global social movements emerged in recent years on the basis of a new academic-scientific field: technopolitics. Defined here as the appropriation of ICTs by social movements for political purposes and its impact on the institutional sphere in the technological transition. These processes has been remarkably since 2011 in the global South under the heterogeneous and diverse flagships of the spring of the movements and their claims for a truly commons-based democracy: highlighting Portuguese M12M and Spanish 15M movements. The analysis of communication as a strategic dimension has break with research focused on leveraging resources (Della Porta, Snow, Klandermans and McAdam, 2013) to delve deeper into the technopolitical dimension (Sampedro, 2011; Gerbaudo, 2012; Howard and Hussain, 2013; Milan, 2013; Candón, 2013; Treré, Jeppessen and Mattoni, 2017 and Pavan, 2017), opening up a new path for research. The increase use of transmedia narratives (Ryan and Thon, 2014) linked to the development of the “connectography” (Khanna, 2016) of multiple and hybrid cross-media platforms has subsumed the traditional communication flow of the media, individually consumed as a sort of collective narrative constantly co-created by prosumers (Fuchs, 2014), generating an enormous contingent of data, seen currently as a strategic source to be mined across the use of algorithms in politics.The lack of studies in this new field of research makes necessary praxis-centred actions and empirical data collection on terrain throughout the complex mixed up of diverse methodologies.
Our aim with this session is continuing the discussion initiated in the last Forum ISA in Wien and the 1st Portuguese Association of Sociology in Lisbon in 2016 to develop a new multi-methodological model of research of the impact in the public awareness of the political digital communication in the ISM, in order to generate specific politics of communication based on participatory processes and communication dialogues for democratic innovation based in the experiences of the Recent Global Social Movements , as a tool linked to processes of community social innovation and co-creation using new digital technologies faced to the challenge for inclusive societies in Europe (Session organized by Jesús Sabariego).
Chair: Jesús Sabariego | Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra
Discussant: Francisco Sierra | Universidad de Sevilla
Wanda Capeller | SciencesPo Toulouse
Beyond Democracy. Technopolitics on the Penal Field
Contemporary terrorism exposes the vulnerability of the world system, too much centralized and at the same time decentralized by the technopolitics of enmity. On the geostrategic level, the "fight against terrorism" is the perfect alibi for implementing imperialist strategies and power projection beyond national borders. The cross border penal building, based on penal sovereignity weakness leads to the implementation of new penal irrationalities, a “hard global penal”. A totalitarian penal logic arise allowing the construction of a global penal field associated with new high technical dispositives that produces dangerous effects on penal and international humanitarian law. Consequently, the penal field has become the privileged space where the solidarities between declin democracies and totalitarian logics are taken place. The great transformation going on in this field requires an epistemological review, once we are already facing a paradigmatic switch in the penal area.
Cicero Krupp da Luz | Sul de Minas Law School- FDSM (Faculdade de Direito do Sul de Minas)
Human rights under attack in the era of technopolitics: symptoms of deglobalization or transformation of national arrangements?
In the sociology of law field, when symptoms of exaggerated nationalism and human rights setbacks become evident, we must focus on the important questions to understand these processes. The central idea of this article is, then, to focus on two points: What is the current human rights path and, in particular, the relation of this evidence to a process of deglobalization? What are the symptoms / evidence of national choices of this regression? This work is part of the beginning of a research project at the Sul de Minas Law School, called: "The effects of deglobalization: the tension between human rights and sovereignty in the 21st century." From the methodological point of view, the project is still in an exploratory phase with multidisciplinary tendencies. It is important to remember that it is impossible to speak of globalization without touching the analysis of International Political Economy, when authors of social welfare economists like Thomas Piketty in association with economists of the so-called new institutionalism like Dani Rodrik. In addition, the very idea of de-globalization is a proposal of another economist, Walden Bello, not yet properly transposed to the authors of the law or sociology. Recently, Boaventura de Souza Santos has problematized this issue of de-globalization. From the point of view of the sociology of law, the research associates the post-Colonialist (E. Said) and Technopolitical and social global movements (J. Sabariego), proposing a strong criticism of the international and national political system. To do so, an argument is developed that answers the question of whether human rights are under attack and what would be their main cause, at a national or international level, and the perspective of which system: economic, legal and / or political. The idea of the article is to go through issues that also involve the crisis of social movements against technology and the success of conservative movements upon returning to a chauvinistic nationalism. Preliminary results point out that the current "deglobalization" would mean a process of restructuring the economic and political system, which in a comparative way mimics processes of political coalescence between conservatives (customs) and liberals (economic) in a xenophobic nationalism that despises human rights and democracy, in the name of the illusion of post-global nationalism.
Lucía Benítez-Eyzaguirre | Universidad de Cádiz
Mapeo de la legislación colaborativa en España

Si entendemos como Gobierno Abierto el proceso de deliberación permanente con la ciudadanía, la toma de decisiones basadas en sus necesidades y preferencias, en colaboración y comunicación abierta y transparente (Calderón y Lorenzo, 2010), las iniciativas impulsadas en España relegan a un segundo plano la legislación colaborativa. Se plantea aquí un mapeo de las acciones de legislación colaborativa que se desarrollan en España a modo de diagnóstico del concepto Gobierno Abierto y de la aplicación de GitHUb como un modelo tecnológico coherente. GitHub es una herramienta de desarrollo colaborativo que controla las versiones, cambios y aportaciones de todos los miembros participantes en un proyecto, se basa en software libre y se almacena de forma pública. Lessig (2001) ha reivindicado el uso del software libre porque garantiza los derechos de los usuarios.
Mar Llera | Universidad de Sevilla
The impact of media narrative on Catalonia’s independence in the Asian context
This research analyzes translation, reception and impact in the Asian context of the narrative disseminated by international media and social networks about the Catalonia’s pro-independence referendum held on October 1, 2017. Our comparative approach seeks to identify analogies and contrasts between separatist demands in Catalonia, on one hand, and those arising in Hong Kong and Taiwan, on the other hand. To this end, a comparative methodology, both qualitative and quantitative, will be applied to a corpus of articles, statistics, reports and direct testimonies from non-state actors.
Jose Candon-Mena | Universidad de Sevilla – COMPOLÍTICAS
Tecnopolítica y cultura digital global en los movimientos sociales contemporáneos
Uno de los ambitos que más claramente están promoviendo el proceso de globalización es la expansión y el alcance mundial de las TIC. En particular, han favorecido el surgimiento de una tecnopolítica global por parte de los movimientos sociales. Más allá del movimiento altermundista, múltiples movimientos arraigados en contextos nacionales comparten una cultura activista global fuertemente influenciada por las culturas digitales. Movimientos que luchan contra dictaduras (Marruecos), democracias autoritarias (Turquía) o bipartidistas (España, México). Contra el poder financiero de los mercados (Occupy) o las políticas de ajuste estructural de las instituciones supranacionales (Portugal). Que enuncian nuevos discursos frente al monopolio de los medios tradicionales (Televisa en México, el imperio Berlusconi en Italia). Que reclaman el espacio urbano frente a la ciudad marca (protestas contra el mundial en Brasil) tomando las plazas (Puerta del Sol, parque Gezi) y las calles. Movimientos que responden a contextos nacionales pero se inspiran unos a otros y comparten discursos, prácticas, motivos... En todos resuena la reclamación de una democracia real (el 15M español), auténtica (yosoy132 en México) o popular (el 20F en Marruecos) y en todos los países los movimientos usan la tecnología para abrir brechas en la agenda mediática, establecer puentes entre activistas y replantear nuevas formas de organización, de acción y de participación política. Sea en dictadura o en democracia, el problema sería la imposibilidad de la población para controlar de forma efectiva la política económica del país y decidir sobre su futuro debido al desplazamiento de la toma de decisiones hacia instancias supranacionales. La actual era de la información facilitará la difusión de ideas, discursos y valores a escala internacional. Provoca un efecto contagio, pero también de imitación de las formas de acción, discursos y marcos simbólicos entre movimientos. Además de promover el intercambio cultural entre activistas, las TIC conllevan su propia cultura y valores como la apertura, la horizontalidad, la participación, la libertad de información, la colaboración, la compartición del conocimiento o la creatividad están profundamente arraigados (Castells, 2005; Himanen, 2002; Lévy, 2007). Valores que no se circunscriben al medio digital sino que inspiran también concepciones políticas e ideológicas compartidas por múltiples movimientos más allá de sus ámbitos nacionales.