Closing Session
Closing Session: The future of RCSL: Visions from around the world
This closing session gathers members of the Scientific Committee of the Conference who, at the same time, represent different regions of the world and were involved in the recent past in different RCSL initiatives, as well as, in close connection with RCSL, the initiatives of the IISL. They will present short statements about their vision of the future of RCSL, as inspired by the debates which to ok place throughout the Conference, as well as by their earlier experiences, and in the light of the issues of law and citizenship they encounter - observing as researchers, and participating as citizens - in the region of the world where they are based.
One more specific question to be tackled at this event is the relationship between RCSL and national groupings of its specialty, such as the Portuguese APS Section on Sociology of Law and Justice.
Room: Grande Auditório | ISCTE-IUL
Chairs: Ulrike Schultz, President of RCSL, Noe Cornago, Scientific Director of IISL,representing the Programme Committee of the 2019 RCSL Conference, and Pierre Guibentif, Board of the Sociology of Law and Justice Section of the Portuguese Sociological Association
Susana Santos, Lisbon, Southern Europe
Artur Stamford da Silva, Porto Alegre, ABraSD meetings, South America
Gabriela Farinha, Lisbon, Southern Europe
Manuel A. Gomez, Miami, North America, 2017 Joint Meeting México City
Wanda Capeller, Toulouse, Western Europe / Brazil, 2013 Toulouse RCSL Conference
Masayuki Murayama, Tokyo, Eastern Asia, 2014 Yokohama RCSL Conference