The Meeting
Wednesday 12 September
3101 Better regulation and its importance for citizens and companies in Portuguese-speaking countrie
3102 Transconstitutionalism and the New Symbolic Dimensions of Constitutions I
3122 From the Outside In: Prisons dynamics beyond the States
3123 Legal professions 1
3124 Gender/Women in the Legal Profession III: Gender and Careers in the Legal Academy
3125 In the Midst of the Paradox: Citizenship and State
3132 Disputing Behavior and Judicial Policy in the Super-Aging Society: Preliminary Report on the Ci
3141 Sociologie de la justice
3142 Democracy, Recent Global Social Movements and Technopolitics: An international and interdiscipl
3143 Family, Honour and Migration
3145 Citizenship between cosmopolitanism and globalization
3151 Perspectivas Brasileiras na Sociologia do Direito I
3152 Meios adequados de Resolução de Conflitos e acesso à justiça: um novo olhar através das experi
3153 Legislar, regulamentar, aplicar. As instituições enquanto lugares de tensão e confronto entre a
3155 Penal system and violence
3156 Uncertainty and Development
3171 Tribunais no séc. XXI: independência, eficiência e cidadania
3202 Transconstitutionalism and the New Symbolic Dimensions of Constitutions II
3223 Legal professions 2
3224 Gender/Women in the Legal Profession IV: Gender and the Judicial Behavior of the Japanese Judic
3225 Oñati Session III - Courtrooms and the Judicial Field: a locus for enforcement or contestation?
3241 Sociologie du droit et constitutionnalisme sociétal
3242 Far from undisputed role of NGOs and other international civil society actors
3243 Issues of Citizenship
3245 Law, Neoliberalism and the Political Economy I
3251 European Central Countries Perspectives on Sociology of Law
3256 Legal Education, Reasoning, Science and Art
3271 Estado de Direito e de Exceção: o direito e a democracia em questão
Plenary organized by CES: The Epistemologies of the South in the Sociology of Law: Can the law be po
3371 The Epistemologies of the South in the Sociology of Law: Can the law be post-abyssal?